Crowninshield-Magnus family photographs, ca. 1864-1945.


Crowninshield-Magnus family photographs, ca. 1864-1945.

Photographs of the related Crowninshield and Magnus families, taken ca. 1864-1945. Most of the photographs are portraits and snapshots of unidentified family members and friends; among those identified are Constance Crowninshield (Coolidge) Magnus and author H. G. Wells. There are also two photographs of family dogs. Photographers include Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries and Simon Wing of Boston, Mass.; most of the other photographers are unidentified. Includes cabinet cards, cartes de visite, tintypes, and photo postcards.

15 photographs in 1 folder.

Related Entities

There are 6 Entities related to this resource.

Magnus, Constance Crowninshield, 1892-1973 (person)

Magnus family (family)

Wing, Simon, 1826-1910, (person)

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946 (person)

H. G. Wells, Herbert George Wells (b. September 21, 1866, Bromley, Kent, England-d. August 13, 1946, London, England), best remembered for imaginative novels such as The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds, prototypes for modern science fiction, was a prolific writer and one of the most versatile in the history of English letters. He produced an average of nearly three books a year for more than fifty years, in addition to hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles. His works ranged from f...

Brady National Photographic Art Gallery (Washington, D.C.), (corporateBody)

Crowninshield family (family)